If you are living with a long-term disability, there is no question that your medical bills may quickly rack up to an insurmountable amount. You may struggle to pay off these debts even more given the fact that your disability restricts you from maintaining gainful employment activity. Rest assured, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers financial aid programs that may support you during this overwhelming time. Specifically, there is the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits program and the Medicare benefits program. Continue reading to learn whether SSDI benefits can help pay your medical bills and how an experienced New Jersey SSDI benefits lawyer at The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur can help you use this financial aid appropriately.
Will SSDI benefits help me pay for my medical bills?
Generally speaking, you may receive monthly SSDI benefits payments to afford to pay for your current needs. Namely, these current needs may entail your monthly housing and utility bills, your needed food and clothing, and most importantly, your urgent medical expenses.
However, you must understand that this monthly payout may only stretch so far. That is, the maximum amount you may receive is $3,822 per month. This may only cover some of your medical bills if your disability is severe enough. This is not to mention your having to cover other costs of living. Therefore, this is to say that it may be better to seek other financial aid outlets to help with your medical bills.
Of note, if you are approved for SSDI benefits, you may also be eligible for federal Medicare benefits. This is because Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage to individuals 65 years of age or older or individuals under 65 years old with certain disabilities (i.e., eligible candidates for SSDI benefits). With this, you must undergo a 24-month waiting period before you can begin receiving Medicare coverage. In other words, you must wait 24 months from your disability onset date before you become eligible for coverage.
Will SSI cover my medical bills?
You must note the difference between the SSDI and Social Security Insurance (SSI) benefits programs. That is, your eligibility for monthly SSDI benefits payments is based on your disability and work credits. On the other hand, your SSI eligibility is determined by your age, disability, limited income, and limited resources.
Therefore, if you are approved for SSI benefits, you may be eligible for federal Medicaid benefits instead. This is because Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage to individuals with limited income and resources (i.e., eligible candidates for SSI benefits). Importantly, you do not have to wait before you can begin receiving Medicaid coverage. Rather, you may be eligible for coverage starting on your disability onset date.
In conclusion, there is no better time to act than the present. So please reach out to a skilled New Jersey SSDI benefits lawyer from The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur at your earliest possible convenience.